Thursday, September 4, 2008

Lstone and Vic Falls

I had a wonderful, much-needed relaxing and enjoyable weekend with K and D at Victoria Falls and in Livingstone.
We hopped on the bus to Lstone Saturday at 6 a.m. and were treated to potentially the nicest and comfiest bus service I've ever experienced. $40 equivalent gave us a super comfy seat, music the whole way there (although the gospel-ultra religious Jesus/God-tracks were a bit too much on my secular brain after awhile...) a free drink and snack and there were even flat screen dvd televisions (T.I.A. right? I think Greyhound just got SCHOOLED!).
Saturday evening was spent at a braai at Sarah, Pascal and Darren's new place with a bunch of people; ate delicious food (I tested out some meat again and was okay) and had a chilled out evening.
Sunday we ventured up to Vic Falls where David took off for some bunjee jumping and K and I walked all over getting amazing pictures and feeling the water's breeze on our skin.
With the lead of a local, we "hiked" barefoot over rocks and through water to the devil's chair, a swimming hole that overlooks the entire falls left and right...words cannot describe how beautiful it was.
This, followed by a slightly intoxicating boat cruise with an open bar, dinner and game seeing topped the weekend off. Next time i go back, white water rafting and zip lining will be taking place.

1 comment:

IARI said...

I am sooo jealous!! For some reason the Rideau falls don't seem as good to hear your enjoying yourself!