Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Slow it to a walk

This week has been high and low so far—I interviewed a fantastic woman yesterday with a colleague for the Woman of the Week column and have had a great time getting to prance around town with coworkers in the field and get used to waking up at 6 a.m. to catch a bus on my own (which I am finally confident enough to do) to get into town.

The crappy part is that I am homeless again—I'm not going into details, but our contract with the great house has been canceled and I am left scrambling for places to stay every few nights again, believe me this is the last situation I want to be in and am less than satisfied with the outcome of how this was handled.

So, it's back to square one. The only unfortunate thing about switching locations every three nights is that it's completely invading my positive mindframe and making it hard to focus on work because I have to plan ahead regarding where I am going to sleep which isn't fun. I really can't wait just to get settled already...

This upcoming weekend is the Agriculture and Commerce Show which is one of Lusaka's biggest deals of the year—I'll be attending at some point accompanying a fellow journalist from The Monitor see hundreds of vendors, livestock, hear some Zambian grooves and finally get to see some real "Zambian culture" outside of day to day life. Depending when I go, Sunday I am planning on taking off from the city with a CouchSurfing friend to see some rural areas and finally view more of what Zambia really is beyond the city limits.

Hopefully the next time I write I'll have a roof over my head and be a bit less stressed...

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